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"I had a powerful experience working with Kimberly in a breath work course. She provided a strong and safe container for doing the work and was a healing and steady presence in the room and offered much support even after the experience. Her commitment to health and well-being was clear. I would definitely recommend working with Kimberly in the future and look forward to more."

                                                                                                       ~Rosanna Marshall, East Asian Medicine Practioner


“I’ve attended three of Kimberly’s Group Breathing Circles. She is a gentle soul who has the capacity to expertly lead and facilitate people coming together to do deep inner work together in a shared space. Her guidance is well informed, comprehensive and sweetly allowing. She creates a safe space for people to explore this work, adventure into their inner realms and receive deep personal healings in the process. I highly recommend giving yourself the gift of this modality and this practitioner of it.”    ~Kenny Telesco


"Never have I taken a class that stopped the big thinker so abruptly.  Within minutes into the class, the enhanced open-mouthed pranic breath simply and completely drove all thought from my mind.  And unlike my Yoga and Meditation practices, which repeatedly leak thoughts, Kimberly's Insight Breathing practice sustained a thoughtless state for sixty minutes. Each time I left the class dazed and delighted; my third eye pulsating. Even two days afterwards, I experienced a euphoric Kundalini sensation. A kind of numb, surreal, residual awareness that left me curious for more.  In addition to the regular group breathing circles, I'm now taking private instruction with her." ~Steve Ward, Yoga Bliss on Mercer Island 


“You do such a great job of creating a safe environment and I appreciate so much your participation and for sharing your energy. I’m so thankful for the breakthroughs and growth that I’ve been experiencing because of your intuitive coaching! It has really been a pleasure attending the classes and I look forward to seeing you again in the near future!”    ~Verna McCulloch                                                                                                                              




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